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We are on a Search - A Talent Search!

August 31, 2023

Is mobile phone playing a villain in your child’s life?

In recent years, mobile games have become an integral part of modern entertainment, captivating individuals of all ages. However, the increasing prevalence of young children engaging in mobile gaming has raised concerns about the potential negative impacts on their physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. While mobile games can offer educational benefits when used appropriately, excessive and unregulated playtime can lead to a range of ill effects on small kids.

Cognitive Development Challenges: Excessive mobile game usage can hinder cognitive development in several ways. It can impede a child's ability to focus and concentrate on tasks outside of the virtual world. This can negatively impact their academic performance and overall learning capabilities. Some mobile games encourage instant gratification and impulsive decision-making, potentially hindering a child's patience, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities.

Social and Emotional Concerns: Spending significant time engrossed in mobile games can isolate children from real-life social interactions. They may miss out on opportunities for face-to-face communication, emotional understanding, and the development of empathy. Moreover, the competitive nature of some mobile games can lead to frustration, anger, and a skewed understanding of success and failure. This, in turn, can impact a child's self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Addiction and Behavioral Issues: Children are more susceptible to forming addictive behaviors, and mobile games are designed to be engaging and habit-forming. This can result in compulsive gaming, leading to neglect of other important activities such as schoolwork, chores, and physical activities. Moreover, excessive gaming can contribute to mood swings, irritability, and even withdrawal symptoms when the child is unable to access the games.

Physical Health Implications: Extended periods of gameplay often result in sedentary behavior, leading to a decline in physical activity. This sedentary lifestyle contributes to issues like obesity and poor posture, which can have long-term consequences on a child's health. Additionally, prolonged screen time may cause digital eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and even affect brain development in the crucial early years.

Impact on Academic Performance: As children allocate more time to playing mobile games, they may prioritize them over their academic responsibilities. This can result in lower grades, decreased academic motivation, and an overall decline in educational performance. The lack of time spent on studying and reading can adversely affect a child's intellectual growth.

While mobile games can have positive aspects when used in moderation and with appropriate content, the ill effects of excessive gameplay on young children cannot be ignored. Parents play a crucial role in ensuring that children strike a balance between digital entertainment and other important aspects of their lives. Encouraging physical activities, setting screen time limits, and selecting age-appropriate and educational games are essential steps toward mitigating the detrimental impacts of mobile gaming on young minds. It is vital to recognize that a holistic approach to a child's development requires a healthy balance between virtual and real-world experiences.

August 29, 2023

Vibrant Onam Celebration at Primrose: A Fusion of Tradition and Joy

The air was filled with an aura of festivity at Primrose as students and teachers came together to celebrate the joyous occasion of Onam. This traditional harvest festival from the southern Indian state of Kerala is known for its vibrant cultural significance, and Primrose embraced the spirit of Onam with enthusiasm and creativity.

Raja Mahabali's Gracious Presence: The excitement buzzed throughout the campus as Raja Mahabali, a central figure in Onam mythology, made a special appearance to grace the celebration. Dressed in resplendent traditional attire, Raja Mahabali greeted students and teachers alike, radiating an aura of benevolence and unity.

Artistic Splendor of Pookkalam: One of the highlights of the Onam celebration at Primrose was the creation of a mesmerizing pookkalam, a traditional floral carpet. The students and teachers came together, each contributing their artistic touch to the intricate design. Brilliant hues of marigolds, jasmine, dahlias, and chrysanthemums formed a tapestry that paid homage to the spirit of abundance and togetherness that Onam symbolizes.

Dance and Melody:
The vibrant melodies of Malayalam songs filled the air, setting the stage for a joyous dance around the pookkalam. The students and teachers formed a circle around the intricately designed floral art.

Cultural Fusion: The Onam celebration at Primrose was not only a homage to the cultural heritage of Kerala but also a testament to the school's commitment to promoting diversity and fostering a sense of unity among its students and faculty. Through the celebration, the students were exposed to a rich tapestry of Indian culture, which encourages mutual respect and appreciation for different tradition. 

Khitine, our Class III student, exuded grace as he adorned himself in the magnificent attire of Mahabali. A heartfelt appreciation goes to his parents for their patience and dedicated efforts in impeccably presenting him as the regal Raja Mahabali! 

The kiddos had a great day at school! They got to craft Pookkalams and have their share of dance and music. They posed for pics and had fun with their peers and teachers. Thanks to their energy and enthusiasm!!!

All these would not have been possible without the support of the teachers who displayed excellent team spirit and gave their best to make this a memorable one.
Rosebuddies and their Teachers ROCK!!!

Love is Grace!

August 25, 2023

A Symphony of Stories: Primrose's Unrivaled Storytellers

The "Story Narration Contest" held for students of Classes I, II, and III proved to be an enlightening event that provided valuable insights into the capabilities of our young participants. This captivating event comprised preliminary rounds, followed by a final round that showcased the talents of our budding storytellers. The carefully selected venue, a charming gazebo nestled amidst the greenery of the campus, added an enchanting touch to the entire event. Its serene setting provided a perfect backdrop for the young storytellers to captivate their audience. You simply can't miss looking at the adorable small podium that was custom-crafted for the young ones, flawlessly complementing the entire décor!

In the finale, six finalists from each class were called upon to breathe life into their chosen narratives by stepping into the shoes of their story's characters. The participants not only narrated the story but also immersed themselves in the tale by donning the attire of their selected characters. To enhance their storytelling endeavors, the finalists were encouraged to employ props that would aid in the effective communication of their narratives. The impact was truly awe-inspiring. The stage, set within the gazebo's charming environs, came alive with the vibrant energy of these young storytellers, who effortlessly merged their narratives with captivating visual presentations. By combining storytelling with performance, the contest encouraged students to harness their linguistic, artistic, and dramatic talents in unison.

Additional delight permeated the atmosphere as Srinidhi and Praneeta, both students of Class XI, gracefully took the spotlight. Their presence on the stage was accompanied by a shared sense of nostalgia, evoked by the familiar setting that had been arranged for the upcoming storytelling session. The "Story Narration Contest" for Classes I, II, and III was an event that unveiled the latent talents of our students. Through its innovative format and engaging premise, the contest provided a platform for young storytellers to shine brightly amidst the captivating embrace of the gazebo's ambiance, leaving an indelible mark on all those fortunate enough to witness their exceptional performances.


Class I 
I Prize - Keshav.M.K 
II Prize - Krishva Varadharajan
III Prize -Aradhana.H 

Class II 
I Prize - Amarissa Kasaanchi
II Prize - Mithwa. V
III Prize - Jithin. C and Sai Siddhant. H

Class III 
I Prize - Aaradhya.P 
II Prize - Mahalakshika.K
III Prize - Ratna Saravanan.R

!!!Congratulations to the Consolation Prize Winners!!!
Ram, Nanit and Nysha of Class I 
Tanu Nisha and Harshini of Class II 
Aaruran.P, Aradhya Chudiwala, Guhan.M of Class III  

Grateful Acknowledgements to the 
Dedicated Team of Teachers who orchestrated the event with utmost elegance and finesse.
Ms.Nithiyakalyani.S, Mrs.Hamalda.S, Mrs.Bhuvaneswari.E, 
Ms.Jancy.S, Mrs.Saranyadevi.R 

Special thanks to
Mrs.Meenparvathy, Mrs.Saritha and Ms.Suruthy,
our English Teachers for their time and timely support.

August 22, 2023

Nurturing Awareness through Engaging Activities

In a dedicated pursuit to foster the burgeoning minds of today into conscientious and accountable citizens of tomorrow, a comprehensive array of educational activities was orchestrated for students in Classes IV and V. The fundamental objective of these activities was to instill an acute understanding of critical environmental concerns and a resolute sense of duty towards the planet we inhabit. The cornerstone of this initiative revolved around four pivotal themes: afforestation, deforestation, energy conservation, and ocean debris.

The Potency of Afforestation and the Reverberations of Deforestation

With an innovative blend of skit and mime, the students of Classes IV and V took centre stage to vividly exhibit their ingenuity and comprehension. This performance proved to be a medium to underscore the significance of afforestation while vividly portraying the dire consequences of deforestation. Through the art of skit-mime, a harmonious fusion of drama and non-verbal expression was harnessed to convey the criticality of tree plantation, the promotion of biodiversity, and the mitigation of climate change. The repercussions of deforestation, including the loss of habitats, soil erosion, and the disruption of ecosystems, were portrayed with a poignant impact, leaving an indelible impression on the audience.

Expressions of Consciousness - Slogans, Orations, and Artistry

The subsequent segment of the program was an encouragement for students to channel their insights and emotions through diverse artistic mediums. Eager participation was witnessed as students engaged in the craft of slogan composition, oratory expression, and artistic illustration, all revolving around the four cardinal themes. The resultant slogans were both poignant and thought-stirring, encapsulating the essence of each issue with remarkable brevity. The speeches delivered stood as a testament to the students' research and discernment, eloquently articulating the urgency of adopting energy-conserving practices, tackling oceanic pollution, and embracing sustainable methodologies. The artistic endeavour not only unleashed the creative prowess within the students but also showcased their aptitude to visually depict intricate environmental quandaries.

Cultivating Awareness and Enrichment: A Journey beyond Classroom

This series of activities, aimed at nurturing awareness and enriching the nascent intellects, transcended the boundaries of traditional classroom learning. It ignited an awakening within these budding individuals, kindling a flame of environmental consciousness and propelling them towards becoming custodians of the planet. Through the medium of skits, slogans, speeches, and visual artistry, the students not only demonstrated a comprehension of afforestation, deforestation, energy preservation, and oceanic litter, but also etched the seeds of responsibility and activism deeply within themselves. This initiative, far from merely enhancing their knowledge, has sown the promise of a future where these young minds will ardently partake in safeguarding the planet for the posterity.

August 10, 2023

National Hindi Diwas - Contests in Hindi

We are excited to announce our upcoming contests in connection with National Hindi Diwas, aiming to encourage a deeper connection to our rich linguistic heritage. Marking the significance of this occasion, which falls on the 14th of September, we have planned a series of engaging contests for our students. Our goal is to inspire and encourage our students to embrace the beauty of Hindi language and culture. To this end, we invite all interested students to participate in these contests. By taking part, students will have the opportunity to not only showcase their linguistic talents but also develop a stronger bond with Hindi.

For those who wish to participate, we kindly request that you provide the names of your child to Mrs. Laxmi, our Hindi teacher. She will be overseeing the coordination and preparation of these contests, ensuring a rewarding experience for all participants.

The contests will be held from 1st September onwards. Based on the no: of participants, we will announce the exact dates for each contest. We look forward to your enthusiastic support and participation.

August 6, 2023

Some Exciting News for Class I Kiddos!

 Exploring Learning Through Films and Group Discussions

Movie Week is an exciting initiative designed for Class I students, offering them a unique opportunity to explore and engage in meaningful discussions. Throughout the event, the young learners will watch three carefully selected English movies and actively participate in group discussions, allowing each child to express their thoughts and opinions on the films. This engaging and interactive experience aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, empathy, and social skills while providing an enjoyable platform for learning beyond the traditional classroom setting.

The movies chosen for Movie Week are thoughtfully selected to cater to the interests and developmental needs of Class I students. They will be age-appropriate, inspiring, and thought-provoking, with valuable lessons and positive messages for the young minds. 

Benefits of Learning through Movies

# Movies are a powerful tool to stimulate children's imagination. They are transported to magical worlds, encounter fantastical characters, and envision new possibilities, encouraging creativity and original thinking.

# Movies often portray diverse characters with unique struggles and experiences. By empathizing with these characters, children learn to understand different perspectives and develop emotional intelligence.

# Many movies carry important moral lessons, such as the importance of honesty, kindness, and perseverance. By watching these stories unfold, children learn about ethical decision-making and its consequences.

# Watching movies requires active listening and comprehension. It helps students develop their listening skills, memory retention, and ability to follow narratives.

Group Discussions

Ms. Nithiyakalyani and Mrs. Hamalda are organizing a series of special group discussions, providing an excellent platform for children to freely express their views and opinions about movies. This initiative aims to encourage kids to share their thoughts, ideas, and insights, fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue and creativity. Through these discussions, children will have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful conversations, develop critical thinking skills in a supportive and interactive environment. It promises to be an enriching experience that empowers the young minds to express themselves confidently and constructively.

# Group discussions offer a safe space for children to express their thoughts and ideas. Regular participation helps improve their verbal communication skills and boosts confidence in public speaking.

# Working in a group setting helps children develop essential social skills, such as listening to others, respecting different opinions, and collaborating effectively.

# By providing every student with the opportunity to speak during the discussions, teachers promote an inclusive learning environment where all voices are heard and valued.

# Engaging in discussions about the movies allows students to analyze characters, plotlines, and themes, thus nurturing their critical thinking and analytical abilities. 

Dates - 7th to 11th August, 2023