Welcome to The Voice of Primrose!

We are on a Search - A Talent Search!

March 6, 2024

Day 14 - 6th March, 2024

During our spotlight on SDG No: 14 – Life Below Water, we explored the challenges faced by marine life due to human activities. We wanted to help the children understand how our actions impact the underwater world. To make it easier to grasp, we compared the ocean to an aquarium. We asked the kids to think about the effort it takes to maintain an aquarium, ensuring it's clean and suitable for the fish living in it. This helped them see that if we put the same care and attention into looking after our oceans and other water bodies, marine life wouldn't face as many problems.

We also discussed how all the SDGs focus on issues caused by human actions. We create these problems, and then we try to find solutions for them. But if we start by doing things right, we can prevent many of these problems from happening in the first place. It's like stopping a problem before it even starts. So, we encouraged the students to think about what they can do to help the environment and the creatures living in it, focusing on actions that promote sustainability and protect marine life. By working on SDG 14, we're ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty and bounty of our oceans. It's all about keeping our oceans healthy and thriving for all the creatures that call them home, including us!

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