Welcome to The Voice of Primrose!

We are on a Search - A Talent Search!

March 5, 2024

Day 13 - 5th March, 2024

Today, we discussed SDG 13 – Climate Action, which primarily focuses on improving the condition of our planet, Earth, for habitation. A question was posed to the students to stimulate their thinking and enhance their understanding of the fundamental issue of climate change. What happens to our bodies when we experience a viral fever? There's a rise in body temperature, fatigue, decreased activity, and an inability to carry out our usual tasks. Similarly, our planet is afflicted with a VIRUS, which comprises human activities such as industrialization, pollution, and deforestation. This human-induced "virus" is affecting Earth, resulting in extreme weather conditions and other climatic changes that impact all organisms, rendering life challenging on our planet.

We discussed the rationale behind the abundance of trees on our school campus and the deliberate efforts undertaken to plant more trees. We highlighted the example of nearby Auroville, where approximately 70% of the area is covered in trees, and how the weather and energy there serve as an inspiration to us.

As always, we emphasized how individuals can contribute through actions like recycling, reusing, planting trees, and monitoring their own behaviours to prevent environmental pollution. It is through such actions that we can foster a eco-friendlier approach to our environment.

Individuals are often criticized for not conforming to the status quo, even when attempting to enact positive changes. This fear of criticism can make them hesitant to take unique actions. However, Rosebuddies are encouraged to embrace their individuality and effect positive change, even if it means diverging from the mainstream. They must take the right steps and stand out!!!

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