Welcome to The Voice of Primrose!

We are on a Search - A Talent Search!

March 25, 2024

#Little Chefs #Big Smiles #Tasty Delights

In the lunch hall bustling with glee,
Little chefs, so keen, you see.
With aprons donned and caps held high,
They embarked on a culinary sky.

Classes I, II, III, all in a whirl,
Healthy cooking, each boy and girl.
In colours so bright,
They crafted salads, a healthy delight.

Tomatoes red, cucumbers green,
It was such a vibrant scene.
Carrots orange, lettuce crisp,
Their healthy creations, a joyful wisp.

In every slice and every sip,
Their smiles sparkled, their joy a gift.
So here's to our little chefs, oh so bright,
In cooking, happiness takes flight!


March 24, 2024

Contest Winners - Classes I, II, III

In a world increasingly dominated by keyboards and touchscreens, the art of handwriting often takes a backseat. Handwriting is not just about legibility; it's about fostering creativity, cognitive development, and self-expression. Research suggests that the act of handwriting engages different parts of the brain compared to typing, leading to better retention and understanding of information.

Our Handwriting Contest aimed to celebrate and encourage the beautiful art of penmanship among our youngest learners. The students from Classes I, II, III enthusiastically participated, showcasing their unique styles and skills. In Level I, all students participated, and half of the class advanced to Level II. From there, ten students were chosen to proceed to Level III. 

Without Further Ado, Let's Announce the Winners:

We would also like to acknowledge and appreciate every participant who took part in the contest. Your efforts and commitment to improving your handwriting are truly commendable. To all our students, remember that handwriting is a skill that can be honed with practice and patience. Keep nurturing your handwriting skills, as they are invaluable in both academic and personal pursuits. We also invite the students to join the special summer sessions for handwriting.

March 16, 2024

# Classes I, II, III # Activity on 23rd March, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming "Healthy Foods" Activity on March 23rd! This event is designed to promote nutritious eating habits while encouraging creativity and culinary skills among our students in Classes I, II, and III. 
In line with our focus on health and well-being, we have curated a list of healthy suggestions for each class.

Class I: Nutritious Juices

Encourage your child to create refreshing and healthy juices and mocktails using a variety of fruits and vegetables. Here are some wholesome ideas to get them started:

# Carrot and orange juice blend
#Cucumber mint cooler with a hint of lemon
#Your choice
(Quantity- Your Choice)

Class II: Dry Fruit Salads

Let your child explore the world of no-bake treats that are both delicious and nutritious.

(Quantity- Your Choice)

Class III: Nourishing Salad Creations

Inspire your child to craft vibrant and nutritious salads using an array of fresh ingredients.

# Three Bean Salad
# Tricolour Salad
# Your choice
(Quantity- Your Choice)

Dress Code: The kiddos may come in casual wears with an apron and a cook cap on!!!

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm (The kiddos must report by 10 am only)

We believe that by instilling a love for healthy eating at a young age, we can empower our children to make nutritious food choices that will benefit them for years to come.


March 15, 2024

🌸🌟 Announcing the Blossoming Stars of the Idioms Quiz! 🌟🌸

🌟🌸Dear Participants🌟🌸
Whether your idiom soared like an eagle or whispered like a gentle breeze, your contributions enriched our QUIZ, infusing it with a lot of excitement. We're profoundly grateful for the dedication and effort each of you poured into making this contest a fulfilling experience for us all! Congratulations to our Winners, and thank you to ALL the parents who were a part of their journey with idioms! We have proven it together that the tiny tots can indeed understand and use it in their daily conversations. 

πŸ†We're thrilled to unveil the radiant victors of our beloved Idioms Contest! πŸ†

πŸŽ‰ Drumroll, please! πŸŽ‰

Class I
πŸ₯‡ Gold Star: Trishandh .R.DπŸ₯‡
πŸ₯ˆ Silver Star: Ram .M πŸ₯ˆ 
πŸ₯‰ Bronze Stars: Vetriveal.T  and Kanishka.GπŸ₯‰

Class II
πŸ₯‡ Gold Stars:  Amarissa Kasaanchi, Sai Siddhant.H, Mirudula Jothi. A πŸ₯‡
πŸ₯ˆ Silver Stars: Praviksha.K and Naraen.S πŸ₯ˆ 
πŸ₯‰ Bronze Stars: Jithin Chinnadurai and Hanishaa. J πŸ₯‰

Class III
πŸ₯‡ Gold Star: Harprit Kumar.S and Mahalakshika.K πŸ₯‡
πŸ₯ˆ Silver Star: Johan M.S Bobin πŸ₯ˆ 
πŸ₯‰ Bronze Star: Kavinayaa.G and Vimalan Kumar πŸ₯‰

Let's add more fragrance to this bouquet of idiomatic delights.🌟🌸 The saga of idioms will continue and let us grab more of it in the coming days. As we bid adieu to this chapter, let's remember that language is the garden where ideas bloom and dreams take flight. Together, let's continue to nurture it, watering it with words and watching it flourish.

March 14, 2024

Celebrating Pi Day at Primrose

Today, we had the pleasure of celebrating Pi Day in all its mathematical glory! 
It was a day filled with fun contests and engaging activities. 
 Let's take a moment to recap the excitement and learning that took place during our Pi Day festivities.

In closing, Pi Day at Primrose was truly a day to remember. It was a celebration of curiosity, creativity, and the joy of learning. We are grateful to our students, teachers, and families for making this day so special, and we look forward to many more mathematical adventures in the days and weeks to come. Special thanks to all our Math Teachers for an exciting day! 

March 13, 2024

Savitri Recital - Session II

On 1st March, 2024, our school's journey through the epic poem 'Savitri' embarked on its second enriching session. The air was filled with reverence and excitement as students delved deeper into the profound verses penned by Sri Aurobindo. 

Under the guidance of our teachers, participants passionately recited passages 
that echoed the essence of love, wisdom, and spiritual evolution. 

Beyond Boundaries: Nurturing Respectful Hearts and Minds

Today, the students of UKG presented a skit, serving as a poignant reminder for both students and parents alike, especially in the wake of a recent unsettling incident in Pondicherry. The skit aimed to shed light on the imperative discussion surrounding gender roles and norms.

Kudos to the UKG Team

It is crucial that the conversation about gender begins at home. Children must understand that gender should not serve as the yardstick for assessing an individual's worth. Parents of girls are urged to encourage their daughters to be amicable and respectful towards boys, while parents of boys are urged to instill in their sons the importance of treating girls with kindness and respect. By making this dialogue a routine aspect of familial discourse, instances of mistreatment and disrespect between genders can be curtailed.

Schools serve as vital platforms for fostering respect and protection amongst students. However, the seeds of such awareness must be sown at home. Parents bear a significant responsibility in cultivating these values within their children. It is important for parents to correct any misconceptions their children may harbor regarding gender roles and relationships. Ultimately, it is through open communication and proactive guidance from parents that children can learn to navigate the complexities of gender dynamics with empathy and understanding. We implore parents to embrace their role as educators and advocates for a more equitable and harmonious society.

In addition to the efforts from the school, teachers are actively engaging students in discussions about gender norms and respect. These discussions are reinforced through regular messages conveyed during daily assemblies. However, for these important lessons to truly resonate and take root in the minds of students, it is imperative for parents to consistently reinforce them at home.

One crucial message that parents should emphasize is that making abusive comments or resorting to physical aggression towards the opposite gender is not an act of bravery or heroism. Instead, children must understand that true courage lies in treating others with dignity, regardless of their gender. This message needs to be ingrained deeply within them, shaping their attitudes and behaviors towards gender equality and respect. It is through this collective effort that we can cultivate a culture of mutual respect and understanding amongst our younger generation!

March 7, 2024

Day 15 - 7th March, 2024

SDG 15 - Life on Land is all about protecting and rejuvenating the Earth's land-based ecosystems like forests and grasslands, along with the variety of plants and animals living there. This biodiversity is crucial because every species plays a vital role in keeping these ecosystems healthy and providing benefits to people.

People often prefer vacations in scenic places with pleasant weather because we naturally feel happy and at ease surrounded by nature's beauty. To keep these natural havens intact, we must be mindful of our actions towards the environment and the creatures within it. This way, we can ensure future generations can also enjoy these wonders.

Sustainable Land Use means using land responsibly to meet our needs without harming the environment. It includes things like eco-friendly farming, smart land management, and promoting tourism that respects nature.

SDG 15 also focuses on restoring damaged land, like planting trees in deforested areas, bringing back wetlands, and fixing harmed ecosystems. By doing this, we can ensure that the land stays healthy and provides us with essentials like food, clean water, and homes for wildlife. Ultimately, SDG 15 is about preserving the beauty and variety of our planet's landscapes for everyone to enjoy, now and in the future.

March 6, 2024

Day 14 - 6th March, 2024

During our spotlight on SDG No: 14 – Life Below Water, we explored the challenges faced by marine life due to human activities. We wanted to help the children understand how our actions impact the underwater world. To make it easier to grasp, we compared the ocean to an aquarium. We asked the kids to think about the effort it takes to maintain an aquarium, ensuring it's clean and suitable for the fish living in it. This helped them see that if we put the same care and attention into looking after our oceans and other water bodies, marine life wouldn't face as many problems.

We also discussed how all the SDGs focus on issues caused by human actions. We create these problems, and then we try to find solutions for them. But if we start by doing things right, we can prevent many of these problems from happening in the first place. It's like stopping a problem before it even starts. So, we encouraged the students to think about what they can do to help the environment and the creatures living in it, focusing on actions that promote sustainability and protect marine life. By working on SDG 14, we're ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty and bounty of our oceans. It's all about keeping our oceans healthy and thriving for all the creatures that call them home, including us!

March 5, 2024

Day 13 - 5th March, 2024

Today, we discussed SDG 13 – Climate Action, which primarily focuses on improving the condition of our planet, Earth, for habitation. A question was posed to the students to stimulate their thinking and enhance their understanding of the fundamental issue of climate change. What happens to our bodies when we experience a viral fever? There's a rise in body temperature, fatigue, decreased activity, and an inability to carry out our usual tasks. Similarly, our planet is afflicted with a VIRUS, which comprises human activities such as industrialization, pollution, and deforestation. This human-induced "virus" is affecting Earth, resulting in extreme weather conditions and other climatic changes that impact all organisms, rendering life challenging on our planet.

We discussed the rationale behind the abundance of trees on our school campus and the deliberate efforts undertaken to plant more trees. We highlighted the example of nearby Auroville, where approximately 70% of the area is covered in trees, and how the weather and energy there serve as an inspiration to us.

As always, we emphasized how individuals can contribute through actions like recycling, reusing, planting trees, and monitoring their own behaviours to prevent environmental pollution. It is through such actions that we can foster a eco-friendlier approach to our environment.

Individuals are often criticized for not conforming to the status quo, even when attempting to enact positive changes. This fear of criticism can make them hesitant to take unique actions. However, Rosebuddies are encouraged to embrace their individuality and effect positive change, even if it means diverging from the mainstream. They must take the right steps and stand out!!!

Seeds of Change: Journey Towards Responsible Consumption

In a classroom bright and cheery,
Where minds are young and so merry,
We've talked of goals so grand and wise,
SDGs shining in our minds.

For fourteen days, we've journeyed far with SDGs,
Exploring how to reach the young minds,
And in these lessons, we've been shown,
How even the youngest seeds have grown!

Yesterday's SDG message, crisp and clear, 
Responsible consumption, ever near.
Class I students listened with grace, 
Their hearts and minds began to embrace.

With pencil pouches simple, filled just right,
They left the fancy out of sight,
Their actions spoke, oh, loud and clear,
In harmony with what they hear.

Thanks to their parents, wise and kind,
For nurturing this thoughtful mind,
To the teachers, guiding light,
Mrs. Hamalda, and Ms. Nithiyakalyani bright.

Together they've sparked a flame so bright,
In these young hearts, a vibrant thought,
Setting an example for all to see,
How small actions shape our destiny.

Let's applaud these little ones,
For embracing change with open hearts,
With each small step, they pave the way,
For brighter tomorrows, come what may.

"Shining Stars: Class I lights the way with Responsible Choices"

March 4, 2024

Day 12 - 4th March, 2024


SDG 12 focuses on "Responsible Consumption and Production." Imagine a world where we use things wisely and don't waste resources. That's what SDG 12 is all about. It's like being mindful of how much we consume and making sure we're not harming the environment or other people while making and using products.

Here's a breakdown of what SDG 12 means:

Responsible Consumption: This means being careful about what we buy and use. Instead of buying things we don't really need, we should think about whether we truly need them and how they might impact the environment or other people. It's like asking ourselves, "Do I really need this?" before making a purchase.

Sustainable Production: This is about making things in a way that doesn't harm the environment or exploit people. It involves using resources efficiently, minimizing waste, and treating workers fairly. For example, companies can use renewable energy sources like solar or wind power instead of burning fossil fuels, which pollute the air.

Reducing Waste: We live in a world where a lot gets thrown away. SDG 12 encourages us to reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste. This means finding ways to use things again instead of throwing them out after one use. For instance, using reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastic ones.

Protecting the Environment: Our planet's resources are limited, so we need to take care of them. SDG 12 urges us to protect the environment by not overusing natural resources like water, forests, and minerals. It also means finding ways to protect animals and their habitats.

Overall, SDG 12 is like a guide for how we can live in a way that is good for the planet and for future generations. It's about being mindful of our actions and making choices that help create a sustainable world where everyone can thrive.

Day 11 - 1st March, 2024

SDG 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. It targets issues such as urbanization, housing, transportation, environmental impact, cultural heritage preservation, and access to basic services for all.

Key targets of SDG 11 include:

# Ensuring access for all to adequate, safe, and affordable housing and basic services.
# Providing sustainable transportation systems to improve road safety, notably by expanding public transport.
# Enhancing inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated, and sustainable human settlement planning and management.
# Strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage.
# Reducing the environmental impact of cities, including air quality, waste management, and resource efficiency.
# Increasing resilience to disasters in cities and human settlements.

Achieving SDG 11 requires cooperation among governments, local authorities, communities, and the private sector to plan and manage cities and human settlements sustainably, ensuring they are inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable for all residents.

February 29, 2024

Day 10 - 29th Feb, 2024

SDG 10 stands for Sustainable Development Goal 10, which is one of the goals set by the United Nations to make the world a better place by 2030. SDG 10 is all about reducing inequalities within and among countries.

Imagine a game where everyone starts at different points on a race track. Some people start at the very front, while others start way in the back. SDG 10 is like trying to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to move forward in the race of life, regardless of where they started.

In real life, these differences can be things like money, access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. SDG 10 wants to make sure that everyone, no matter their background, has a fair shot at a good life.

This goal is important because when there are big gaps between rich and poor, it can cause problems for everyone. It can lead to social unrest, crime, and even slower economic growth. So, by reducing inequalities, we can create a more peaceful and prosperous world for everyone.

February 28, 2024

Day 9 - 28th Feb, 2024

SDG 9, also known as Sustainable Development Goal 9, serves as a critical framework for promoting industrialization, enhancing infrastructure, and fostering innovation in a sustainable manner. At its core, this goal is dedicated to building resilient infrastructure that can withstand various challenges while also ensuring the well-being and prosperity of future generations.

Industrialization lies at the heart of SDG 9, emphasizing the need to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, particularly in developing countries. By investing in industries that prioritize environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and social equity, nations can drive economic growth, create jobs, and alleviate poverty without compromising the health of the planet.

Infrastructure development is another key pillar of SDG 9. Access to reliable and sustainable infrastructure, including transportation, energy, water, and communication networks, is essential for fostering economic development, improving quality of life, and enabling communities to thrive. By investing in resilient infrastructure, countries can better withstand natural disasters, climate change impacts, and other disruptions, ensuring continuity and stability for present and future generations.

Moreover, SDG 9 underscores the importance of innovation in addressing global challenges and advancing sustainable development. By encouraging research, technological progress, and creative solutions, nations can develop innovative approaches to tackle pressing issues such as climate change, pollution, resource depletion, and inequality. These innovations not only enhance environmental sustainability but also contribute to improving living standards and promoting social inclusivity.

In essence, SDG 9 embodies a holistic approach to development that recognizes the interconnectedness of industrialization, infrastructure, and innovation with environmental sustainability and social progress. By pursuing these objectives collectively, nations can build a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous future for all inhabitants of the planet.

Celebrating Winners of Zonal School Games Championship 2023-24

In the exciting world of school sports, the Zone II Zonal School Games Championship 2023-24 was a stage where young athletes showcased their talents and determination. Today, we held the Prize Distribution Ceremony for the winners of Chess, Kho-Kho, Hand Ball and Throw Ball.

To all the champions of Zone II, your achievements bring pride to our school. May your success continue to inspire others, and may your passion for greatness never wane. Cheers to your victory! Your teamwork and focus led you to victory, inspiring others with your dedication and unity.

We would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Ramya.R, our PET, for her unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in preparing our students. Her enthusiasm and encouragement inspire them to push their limits and strive for excellence both on and off the field. We are profoundly grateful for her invaluable contributions to our school community, and we thank her for her exceptional dedication and the countless hours she dedicates to ensuring our students' growth and development.

February 27, 2024

Day 8 - 27th Feb, 2024

In today’s SDG Spotlight, the students were prompted to engage in a thought-provoking exercise aimed at illustrating the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth. As part of the exercise, the students were asked to close their eyes and immerse themselves in a narrative detailing the proceedings of a Painting Contest. However, there was a deliberate twist: although the students were provided with all the necessary art supplies, paper, the fundamental medium for drawing and painting, was conspicuously absent. Despite their enthusiasm and readiness to create, they found themselves unable to actualize their artistic visions. This scenario was designed to drive home a crucial point: even with access to various resources and tools, the absence of a key component can render efforts futile.

In the context of SDG 8, the analogy underscores the significance of meaningful employment and economic stability in ensuring individuals' well-being and overall quality of life. It highlights that without the foundation of decent work, the pursuit of other goals and aspirations can be severely hindered. SDG 8 not only emphasizes the importance of securing adequate employment opportunities but also stresses the need for economic growth that is sustainable and equitable. It calls for development strategies that prioritize social inclusion, environmental preservation, and responsible resource management. By striving for sustainable economic growth, societies can create lasting prosperity without compromising the welfare of future generations or degrading the planet's ecosystems.

Furthermore, a broader understanding of how individual actions can contribute to the realization of SDG 8. Beyond personal ambitions, students were encouraged to consider the well-being of their teachers and parents, who play pivotal roles in shaping their educational journey and upbringing. By advocating for decent work and supporting their caregivers' professional endeavors, students indirectly contribute to the broader goal of promoting economic stability and social empowerment within their communities.

In essence, the exercise served as a poignant reminder that achieving SDG 8 requires collective effort and a multifaceted approach. By fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and support for one another's professional aspirations, individuals can actively contribute to building a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

February 26, 2024

Day 7 - 26th Feb, 2024

The recent session of the SDG Spotlight focused on SDG 7, which emphasizes access to affordable and clean energy. The discussion began by addressing the notable surge in the adoption of electric vehicles and solar panels, underscoring the increasing relevance of SDG 7 in contemporary times. These examples served to highlight the pivotal role of sustainable energy in mitigating climate change and advancing global development goals.

We delved into actionable steps individuals can take to contribute to SDG 7. One key aspect emphasized was the importance of utilizing energy-efficient appliances and technologies. By opting for such devices, individuals can significantly reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Creating awareness about personal energy usage and implementing measures to minimize wastage emerged as crucial strategies to support the attainment of SDG 7 objectives.

In essence, the SDG Spotlight underscored the significance of collective efforts in promoting access to clean and affordable energy, emphasizing both the societal benefits and individual responsibilities in achieving this critical sustainable development goal.

February 23, 2024

Day 6 - 23rd Feb, 2024

SDG 6 refers to Sustainable Development Goal 6, which is one of the 17 goals established by the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG 6 aims to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all." In simpler terms, it focuses on ensuring access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities for everyone, as well as promoting sustainable practices in water management. SDG 6 interconnects with and supports the attainment of many other SDGs as well.

As individuals, each of us holds the power to enact meaningful change, starting right at home with our water usage and hygiene. It's imperative that we take a conscientious approach, ensuring that every drop counts and that none goes to waste. By simply being mindful of our daily habits, we can significantly reduce our water footprint. But our responsibility doesn't end there. We have the opportunity to lead by example, inspiring others to join us in our efforts towards water conservation. Whether through sharing tips or engaging in conversations with people around us, we can amplify the impact of our actions and encourage a collective commitment to preserving this precious resource.

Moreover, it's essential to recognize the interconnectedness of our actions with the health of our surrounding environment. Pollution poses a grave threat to water sources worldwide, jeopardizing not only aquatic ecosystems but also the well-being of communities that depend on them. By adopting eco-friendly practices and advocating for policies that prioritize water quality, we can safeguard the purity of our rivers, lakes, and oceans for generations to come. Together, through individual action and collective awareness, we can make a tangible difference in ensuring a sustainable water future for all.

February 22, 2024

Day 5 - 22nd Feb, 2024

In today's global pursuit of sustainable development, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a compass, guiding efforts to create a better world for all. Among these goals, SDG 5 – Gender Equality stands as a crucial pillar, acknowledging the persistent challenge of gender inequality while advocating for its eradication. In today’s SDG Spotlight session, the focus was on SDG 6 – Gender Equality, delving deep into the roots of gender inequality and exploring avenues for progress.

Gender inequality, a manmade disaster, has deep historical roots and manifests in various forms across cultures and societies. It stems from biases, and structural barriers that limit opportunities and rights based on gender. Despite significant strides in recent decades, gender inequality continues to persist, hindering the full realization of human potential and undermining social and economic progress. However, amidst this challenging landscape, there have been notable advancements towards gender equality. Education has emerged as a powerful tool for empowerment, enabling individuals, particularly girls, to challenge traditional gender roles and pursue their aspirations.

Yet, achieving true gender equality requires collective action at all levels of society, including the active involvement of children and youth. Regardless of age, individuals can contribute to creating a culture of respect, encouragement, and support across genders. This starts from early childhood, where simple actions can lay the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable future. Little boys and girls hold great potential to drive change in their communities and beyond. By respecting, encouraging, and supporting each other regardless of gender, they can challenge stereotypes and dismantle barriers to equality. Whether it's in the classroom, on the playground, or within their families, every interaction presents an opportunity to promote fairness and inclusion.

Moreover, children can play a crucial role in advocating for gender equality by speaking up against discrimination and injustice. Empowering them with the knowledge and confidence to recognize and address gender-based biases equips them to be agents of change in their own right. Their voices, though young, carry significant weight in shaping attitudes and behaviours towards gender equality. Illustrating this potential for change is the story of an 11-year-old girl who, despite her tender age, exemplified courage and resilience in the face of gender inequality. Through her actions, she challenged stereotypes, championed inclusivity, and inspired others to do the same.

As we reflect on the journey towards gender equality, let us recognize the importance of nurturing a generation of empowered and inclusive individuals. By instilling values of respect, empathy, and equality from a young age, we lay the groundwork for a more just and equitable world. Together, let us harness the collective power of children and youth to build a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a lived reality for all.