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June 26, 2024

Pledge Against Drug Abuse

On the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the students and teachers of Primrose School actively participated in a pledge-taking ceremony against drug abuse, following the instructions from the authorities. The pledge, led by Mrs. Gayathri M., was repeated by the students with earnestness and commitment. This event is seen as a crucial step in educating and creating awareness among the students about the severe and destructive effects of drug abuse. By engaging in this pledge, the school aims to empower students to make informed decisions, resist peer pressure, and contribute to a safer and healthier community. The initiative underscores the importance of collective effort in combating drug abuse and fostering a supportive environment for everyone. We express our special thanks to Mr.G.Kalaiarasan, SHO - Reddiyarpalayam PS for passionately guiding us with the event. 

The students and teachers may download their CERTIFICATEs by entering the details in the following link :


 Thank You 

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