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August 6, 2023

Some Exciting News for Class I Kiddos!

 Exploring Learning Through Films and Group Discussions

Movie Week is an exciting initiative designed for Class I students, offering them a unique opportunity to explore and engage in meaningful discussions. Throughout the event, the young learners will watch three carefully selected English movies and actively participate in group discussions, allowing each child to express their thoughts and opinions on the films. This engaging and interactive experience aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, empathy, and social skills while providing an enjoyable platform for learning beyond the traditional classroom setting.

The movies chosen for Movie Week are thoughtfully selected to cater to the interests and developmental needs of Class I students. They will be age-appropriate, inspiring, and thought-provoking, with valuable lessons and positive messages for the young minds. 

Benefits of Learning through Movies

# Movies are a powerful tool to stimulate children's imagination. They are transported to magical worlds, encounter fantastical characters, and envision new possibilities, encouraging creativity and original thinking.

# Movies often portray diverse characters with unique struggles and experiences. By empathizing with these characters, children learn to understand different perspectives and develop emotional intelligence.

# Many movies carry important moral lessons, such as the importance of honesty, kindness, and perseverance. By watching these stories unfold, children learn about ethical decision-making and its consequences.

# Watching movies requires active listening and comprehension. It helps students develop their listening skills, memory retention, and ability to follow narratives.

Group Discussions

Ms. Nithiyakalyani and Mrs. Hamalda are organizing a series of special group discussions, providing an excellent platform for children to freely express their views and opinions about movies. This initiative aims to encourage kids to share their thoughts, ideas, and insights, fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue and creativity. Through these discussions, children will have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful conversations, develop critical thinking skills in a supportive and interactive environment. It promises to be an enriching experience that empowers the young minds to express themselves confidently and constructively.

# Group discussions offer a safe space for children to express their thoughts and ideas. Regular participation helps improve their verbal communication skills and boosts confidence in public speaking.

# Working in a group setting helps children develop essential social skills, such as listening to others, respecting different opinions, and collaborating effectively.

# By providing every student with the opportunity to speak during the discussions, teachers promote an inclusive learning environment where all voices are heard and valued.

# Engaging in discussions about the movies allows students to analyze characters, plotlines, and themes, thus nurturing their critical thinking and analytical abilities. 

Dates - 7th to 11th August, 2023 

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